Nature's Wisdom: Messages, Medicines & Meditations from ReSourced Apothecary
Rethink How Your REFILL Your Cup. In this podcast, Jessica Carmon of ReSourced Apothecary, pours out divine wisdom she receives from the natural world. Every plant has a message to share & Jessica voices those messages with heart, soul, humor, and love. The intuitively handcrafted herbal preparations offered by the ReSourced Apothecary encapsulate the wisdom and essence of the plants. Working with the products, plant spirit messages & meditations provides a multisensory experience to help connect you to the deep well of divine wisdom within.
Nature's Wisdom: Messages, Medicines & Meditations from ReSourced Apothecary
Did You Learn Enough Yet?
My reflection on working with Yarrow over the past few months. Yarrow's question and message for you.
With the right ReSources, there is no limit to what you can accomplish!
Big Love,
Jessica Carmon
Instagram: @resourced.apothecary
FB: ReSourced Apothecary
Hello, dear listener. I've been working with yarrow for months now. The journey I have been on into the heart space has been, life-changing. Not in a big noticeable. My whole world is on its ear kind of way. More in a, the way I engage with every single part of life has shifted. Kind of way. A series of subtle shifts that has me pretty well speechless. As you may have noticed from the radio silence on this podcast. Yarrow is known for its affinity for the blood. I feel that it like most other powerful medicinal herbs is typecast for one of its gifts and then completely misunderstood in terms of the depth of healing it offers. Physically and emotionally, yarrow has so many amazing gifts. To share. Instead of stopping when I recognized that and moving on to the next herb that called my attention. I have been sitting with yarrow. Dreaming with yarrow. Exploring the HeartSpace. With yarrow. As I have moved deeper into my own heart field. Words of description have been hard to find. And if you've been here for awhile, you know, that. Is saying something. Being in a place of perception has been magical. Not to say that life hasn't been lifeing. More to say that my perspective on the season I'm in has been deeper and more reflective. I feel as though I've tapped into my inner wisdom in a way that is producing profound reflection on everyday life. More than ever the miracle of life in all its mundane glory is so pronounced. Don't be fooled. I'm still over here, trudging through my taxes and trying to figure out what work life balance even means. I'm also over here, finding myself completely overcome with the beauty of life. When my daughter tells me a story with all of her amazing facial expressions. I'm over here, drenched in gratitude for the amazing people around me when my pipes freeze in this crazy weather. I'm seeing the people I meet as dimensional beings who have gifts and faults and always have something wonderful to share when I can meet them from my heart space. Enough about me though. Yarrow is out here calling you into your heart space. What you'll find there and the specific magic that will unfold is between you and yarrow. I do invite you to go on that journey. It's a wild ride. I'll leave you with a message from yarrow. It begins. With a pointed question. Did you learn enough yet? Learn enough for what? You may ask. Learn enough to recognize the true source of your value. You're worth. Your worthiness. At the core of your being is a bright light. A beacon of love. You can adorn that beacon with as many lenses and filters of information, knowledge, and experience as you please. Go for it. Just never forget. Those flavor, your value. You came here with value. You cannot lose it. It can not be taken. You can forget it. But it is always there. So go and learn and do and see. Add flavor to your light however you see fit. Just do not forget. You are a beacon of love. And that is absolutely all you have to be do you have a life of value. Shine on my friend.